Awakening Sleep: Ayurvedic Remedies for Insomnia
Insomnia is a common issue faced by a good amount of people. In this pacing world, people often find themselves mismanaging their time which eventually gets managed by derailing the sleep schedule. Millions are affected by sleep deprivation, which contributes to stress, frustration and even insomnia. While there are numerous solutions to insomnia, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicinal system, offers holistic approaches that address the root causes of insomnia rather than just the symptoms. Let’s dive deeper to explore Ayurvedic remedies to battle Insomnia.
Understanding Insomnia in Ayurveda
As per Ayurveda, it categorizes the chronic sleep deprivation as Anidra (insomnia), which is usually linked to the imbalance of three physiological entities- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The term ‘dosha’ refers to an impurity whereas the stability among the three doshas is associated with a healthy constitution of the body. Any imbalance due to the buildup of doshas weakens the metabolism of the body resulting in health issues and diseases (Vikriti).
- Vata is mainly a combination of Air and Space and is the bioenergy that governs muscle movements.
- Pitta embodies Fire and Water, responsible for digestion and metabolism.
- Kapha is primarily composed of Earth and Water, which is the energy that forms the body structure, gives power and holds the cell together.
Insomnia is caused by the aggravation of Vata and Pitta. When these doshas are intensified, Vata interrupts sleep like waking an individual in the middle of the night only to prevent them to sleep again, while Pitta usually interferes with the ability to fall asleep.
Sleep (nidra) is one of the essential factors for a healthy life. According to Acharya Charak; happiness and unhappiness, proper and improper development, strength and weakness, potency and impotency, life and death of an individual depend upon the proper and improper sleep. Insomnia is the result of poor quality sleep or irregular sleep schedule and insufficient sleep. Chronic insomnia leads to severe fatigue, anxiety, depression and lack of concentration.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Insomnia
Insomnia is the outcome of multiple causative factors such as food habits, physical and sexual activity, emotional factors, excessive screen time and uncomfortable sleeping environments. Here are some factors that can help you combat insomnia:

- Herbal Treatments- Several herbs in Ayurveda are renowned for their calming effects and ability to promote peaceful sleep.
- Ashwagandha: This adaptogen helps to relieve mental and physical fatigue and is used as a general tonic to rejuvenate the body. Ashwagandha promotes calmness and stability of mind.
- Brahmi: It is used for many ailments and is best known as a memory enhancer. This herb is renowned for its calming effects, which enhances cognitive function leading to a quality sleep.
- Chamomile: Chamomile is considered to be a mild sedative and is known for its soothing properties. It relaxes the muscles and calms the nervous system, which makes it easier to sleep.
- Jatamansi: This herb helps calm the mind and promotes restful sleep by reducing stress and anxiety.
- Dietary Adjustments- Diet plays a crucial role in regulating sleep patterns. Incorporate certain dietary tips in your routine to promote healthy sleep.
- Light Dinner: Heavy meals at night can hinder your sleep. Go for a light and warm dinner which is easily digestible.
- Herbal Teas: Try taking herbal teas such as chamomile, brahmi, etc sometime before bedtime.
- Reduce Stimulants: Limit or eliminate your intake of caffeine, especially in the evening.
- Lifestyle Practices- Practicing a certain lifestyle can help with sleep disturbances.
- Routine: Determine a regular sleep schedule by sleeping and waking up at the same time everyday. This will help your body and mind to adjust as per the schedule.
- Meditation: Meditation and deep breathing can calm the mind and prepare you for sleep.
- Massage: Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy of oil massage that helps in balancing the doshas and promotes relaxation.
- Yoga: Practicing yoga is one of the best treatments for insomnia symptoms. Improve your sleep quality with poses such as Balasana, Shavasana, etc.
Regular exercises at the correct time can be beneficial in improving sleep quality, workouts can help regulate your sleep patterns and combat insomnia. Engaging in calming activities like reading before sleep and reducing use of screen before sleeping can help you get a peaceful night.
Ayurvedic medicines used in the treatment of insomnia, mainly acts by rejuvenating or nourishing brain cells and the complete nervous system. Ayurveda has a great potential and can be a promising alternative in insomnia. By incorporating herbal remedies and adjusting your lifestyle and routine, you can awaken your body’s natural ability to achieve peaceful sleep.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What is Insomnia?
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. It is of three types- Acute, Chronic and Secondary Insomnia.
- What are the symptoms of Insomnia?
The symptoms can include difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking, unrefreshing sleep, restlessness or relying on sleeping pills.
- How does Ayurveda explain insomnia?
In Ayurveda, insomnia is often seen as an imbalance in the doshas—Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. Each dosha contributes to sleep quality, and an imbalance can lead to restlessness or sleep disturbances.
- Where can I find Ayurvedic remedies for insomnia?
You can find Ayurvedic herbs and products at health food stores, specialized Ayurvedic shops, or online retailers.
- How do you fix Insomnia?
Insomnia could be fixed by some adjustments in lifestyle and diet and by incorporating certain herbs in your routine.